Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kick Off !

Greetings! Well I have wayy too much information inside my head. I'm brimming to the full with thoughts right now and yeah i think you guessed it....I've decided to put pen to paper and write it down. Oh wait, we're in the 21st century..epiphany. It seems like just yesterday, I walked into my first primary school. Time passes faster than I can think. Haha, oh well.

Anyways, (yes i used Maclehose's escape clause) my life has been a mixture of High tides and Low tides. when i came to SJII, i didn't know what to expect. But at least i felt better now ever since my dismal O level results.

My experience at SJII has been an enriching one so far. However, in the pursuit of happiness I still find myself struggling to make friends which I feel I must improve on. IT HAS BEEN A YEAR. Friends have been far and few so far. I admit i wasn't the most sociable, even in my old school.

Some people I have even wronged this year and I humbly apologise for that. (yes thiru! that includes throwing a scissors at you.)

Well this caps off a tiring day of blogging. (Tho i only typed for 20 minutes haha). To whoever reads my blog sorry for a boooring start but i felt i needed to adress these things.

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