Thursday, November 27, 2008

Grade 11/10/9 Party!!!

I must say it was great FUN yesterday night. From the food to the dancing and the absolutely ROCKING performance by XES.

The food was great. Have to thank the student council specially John and Mennon for organising this.
The really fun part was to watch the couples dance and the games. Thiru and Mary had this fantastic idea to get Mr Bennet and his Wife to start of the dancing and set the pace for the couples.

Watch out for Ian and Rachel Foomz!
The DJ tried to "hit on" Mary! (haha sowwy mary had to include this) She turned all red ! Omg during the games, Rachel had to complete a task whereby she had to pull out 5 legs hairs off another guy! And it just had to be me =.= cuz ian had noone haha. Ouch!
The 4 songs was "warmness on the soul" by a7x, "supermassive black hole" and "hysteria" both by Muse, and "slither" by velvet revolver. and I mean ernest was litterally on fire and performed a nice stunt whereby he jumped from the stage on to the dance floor. damn cool sia! Weijie was fantastic with hysteria, you need extremely fast fingers to play the starting bit. Chris was good as usual on the drums.

Lastly some nice pics of us on the table:

That concludes an exciting blog post (well at least i hope so) on our grade 11 party nite. Hope for some comments etc .

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Group 4 Project experiments. nightmare. OMG!!!!

SERIOUSLY. We (me and Tsao Hui) just put the mythbusters to shame. Risk factor: Probably like 99.9%! The stuff we did was just crazy! We could've have died about 3 times!

Part of our experiments were to conduct a flame test on Sodium and Potassium to view its emmision spectra. Group 1 superdooper reactive metals! Well, as you would expect, the pottasium ignited to form purple flames (the colour of its spectra). But what was most shocking was some pottasium melted and fell on the table. We could litteraly see the purple flames as it burnt a hole in the table. Then came a furious Dr Hjorth with a contorted face frowning at us, reminding us repeatedly of the safety rules.

Okay so after that we burnt potassium in the fume cupboard, doing it correctly. BUT, we made a fatal mistake. We took some of the potassium ash (not fully burnt) and chucked it down the sink. GENIUS right? what if somebody switched on the tap? (Remember what happens between potassium and water!!!!) luckily it was initially dry.

We continued our experiments. The next horror was when we reacted FeCl3 with Na2O. We litteraly heard a POP sound with the mixture nearly exploding in flames! I swaaare Tsao Hui is such a brave girl. I would have fainted if i was holding the boiling tube. Thing is right, I was too shocked to faint.

WELL finally to cap of a really traumatising day, we turned on the tap at our sink, causing water to react with the pottasium in the sink. It sizzled on the water and then exploded. LUCKILY, for us it was such a small amount. We were both soooo shaken that we decided to immediatly clear up after that and go to the canteen for a drink.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wedding albums

Yesterday, after chess, my parents took me to a play called the Wedding Album held in the ESPLANADE studio! This was a play by an all indian cast about the uncertainties of a typical indian wedding. It was mainly about the conflict among the family members about weddings. This play showed the process of choosing a bride/groom for the brother/sister of the family and whether the parents both mum and dad would approve. Often there would be would be conflicts between mum and dad, mum and maid and mum and elder sister! The mum goes through alot of anxiety during this period, often leading to rather melodramatic scenes! For example, she is so stressed out that she shouts at the maid when she adds just a bit too much masala (spice) into the food for the normal family dinner. She throws tantrums at the maid, who does the same back. There is also arguments over which sari to give to which important guests (often the other party).

There is this huge load of responsibility placed on the brother's shoulders during the wedding as he has to tend to his sisters groom and make arrangements for him to visit their family in preparation for the wedding. He struggles with it, as he also has his own girlfriend as a distraction. (who he eventually ditched and then invited her to his home for a night!) Furthermore, uninvited guests appears at his house to discuss a marriage proposal with their daughter! The brother repeatedly refuses the offer to marry their daughter however the parents are so adamant they litteraly keep asking him and delaying his other chores in the process.

This wedding also shows what would happen if a humble traditional indian bride would be paired up with a rich, wealthy businessman from the US. The accent and the scene were so comical that it appeared to sattirize the businessman. The audience infact thought it was a caricature! I thought that it was a stereotype of the american husband as a more physical rather than emotional person who wanted to give and recieve pleasure.

The play ends with the maid reliving her memories of her marraige and her own daughter while the younger daughter of the family finally gets married.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kick Off !

Greetings! Well I have wayy too much information inside my head. I'm brimming to the full with thoughts right now and yeah i think you guessed it....I've decided to put pen to paper and write it down. Oh wait, we're in the 21st century..epiphany. It seems like just yesterday, I walked into my first primary school. Time passes faster than I can think. Haha, oh well.

Anyways, (yes i used Maclehose's escape clause) my life has been a mixture of High tides and Low tides. when i came to SJII, i didn't know what to expect. But at least i felt better now ever since my dismal O level results.

My experience at SJII has been an enriching one so far. However, in the pursuit of happiness I still find myself struggling to make friends which I feel I must improve on. IT HAS BEEN A YEAR. Friends have been far and few so far. I admit i wasn't the most sociable, even in my old school.

Some people I have even wronged this year and I humbly apologise for that. (yes thiru! that includes throwing a scissors at you.)

Well this caps off a tiring day of blogging. (Tho i only typed for 20 minutes haha). To whoever reads my blog sorry for a boooring start but i felt i needed to adress these things.